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Prep & Care


We want your lashes to last as long as possible, follow these instructions to make sure you get the best retention out of your extensions.


-Refrain from wearing waterproof mascara prior to your appointment. Waterproof mascara stays on the lashes even after youve scrubbed, preventing a good bond between the lash extension and natural lash.
-Come with no eye makeup on. It is necessary that you have clean lashes for us to work on.
-Do not put oils, eye creams or any lotion near your eyes.
-Make sure to tell your lash artist of any known allergies you are aware of.
-Do not have caffeine at least 6 hours before your appointment. This makes your eyes fluttery and it becomes hard for you to relax.
-Use the restroom.


- Do Not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hours.
-No Sauna, Hot Yoga for the first 24 hours.
-Do Not sleep on your face.
-Do Not use mascara or eyelash curlers.
-Please Do Not pick, pull or rub your lashes.
-Do Not Spray Tan for the first 24 hours.
-Stay away from direct heat (i.e. opening oven, your hairdryer).

- Use your lash wand to gently brush through your lashes daily.
   -Use Oil-Free & Glycol-Free Products.
    -Use a silk/satin pillowcase if possible.
                                                                                    -Wash them several times a week!                                                                               


Note: If you have an event or vacation coming up I recommend you book a full set at least 2 weeks before and at least 1 fill directly before. That allows time to get the set you truly desire. I do a thorough consultation before applying the full set , but sometimes the set you were wanting isn't exactly right for you. Most of my clients ask for a more natural set and then come back after getting used to them requesting more, more, and more!  Also heaven forbid you have an allergic reaction before your big day or trip. If getting a full set and fill before your event is out of the question we can perform a patch test before applying the full set. Please allow at least 48 hours between the test and full set.


Pregnant Clients: If you have never worn extensions before I do require a patch test to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction. It isn't common, but lets just take that extra step to be safe.

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